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9:15 am
TOQS Bag Ladies Club - The Manager - Mary Lou
1:45 pm
First Friday with Pam - 9:30 am to 4:30 pm
9:15 am
Piecing your Dreams - Class 7 - Assemble Quilt - Kathy
9:30 am
Monthly Monday Madness - Busting Your Scraps & UFOs - Jody - 9:30 am to 4:30 pm
9:15 am
Southwest Quilt - Jody
1:45 pm
Pincushion Panache Handbag - Mary Lou
9:15 am
Creative Fabric Collage - Toni
9:15 am
The Other Bag Day!
9:15 am
Piecing your Dreams - Class 8 - Finish Quilt - Friendship Star Blocks and Borders - Kathy
9:15 am
The Other Bag Day!
1:45 pm
Ruler Aid Block of the Month - Month 5 - Log Cabin - Julia
11:30 am
Sunday Sewcial! with Pam
9:15 am
GIFT with the Quilt Diva- Mary Lou - 9:30 am to 4:30 pm
9:15 am
Tuesday with Marguerite - 9:30 am to 4:30 pm
1:45 pm
Gift with Marguerite
10:00 am
Teacher Meeting - classroom is closed
1:45 pm
Southwest Quilt - Jody
9:15 am
Piecing your Dreams - Class 9 - Preparing the Top for Quilting - Kathy
9:15 am
GIFT session with 007/8ths - Jody - 9:15 am to 1:15 pm
1:00 pm
Open Sew and Fellowship with Marguerite
9:00 am
Christmas Eve - shop is closed
9:00 am
Christmas Day - shop is closed
9:15 am
Creative Fabric Collage - Toni
11:00 am
1:45 pm
UFO with Pam!
9:00 am
New Year's Eve - shop is closed